A Quick Guide to SMS Marketing Automation!

Fierce competition across marketing pushes brands and marketers to use more productive and efficient solutions. Relying on orthodox methods of keeping tabs on customers and establishing a strong brand-customer relationship are ineffective, especially if you are willing to lock horns with the industry giants. While the idea of hyper-relevant and personalized texting works, you still need solutions to scale the idea while becoming more efficient at customer communication. This is precisely why we recommend you invest in SMS marketing automation. In this post, we will help you get acquainted with SMS marketing automation, and we’ll share several reasons why you should be using it. So let’s cut to the chase and dive right in!

What is SMS marketing automation?

SMS marketing involves sending promotional or transactional texts via SMS to people who have subscribed. Brands can use SMS to share news, updates, and other promotions with their customers. SMS marketing automation tools and solutions alert all your contacts in a more timely and efficient manner while ensuring proper relevancy and personalization. Yes, you can achieve that manually, but the amount of time you will need to accomplish a decent level of personalization will take an inordinate amount of time. Save yourself the hassle and maintain your mental peace with SMS automations. Let’s dive deeper to learn how SMS marketing automation can save you from this headache and benefit your brand.

Benefits of using SMS marketing automation

1. Significant boost in overall productivity

Sending new text messages at the right time to the right person and keeping track of the communication requires a lot of time and effort. You could hire more people to get the job done. But, we recommend you invest in a marketing automation tool as it can get the same job done more efficiently and in a timely manner. Did you know that automation can help improve your overall productivity by 1.4 percent annually?

2. Easily learn more about your customers

SMS marketing automation platforms are excessively data-oriented. They continually collect and use customer data to provide you with highly informative insights about your campaigns and audience. Automated SMS marketing platforms will provide you with extensive insights into your customers’ tastes and preferences, giving you the power to mold the campaigns accordingly. This is highly effective in developing better customer experience strategies. 

3. Helps increase customer engagement

How can a brand keep its customers engaged all the time? The simplest way to do that is by engaging them in a conversation when they are online. However, you will have to know the exact times when you can send the messages. This is where SMS marketing automation platforms come to the rescue. This solution can help you prepare different audience segments based on several factors so that you can prepare SMS campaigns that are relevant to each segment. This ensures an increase in open rates and customer engagement. Check out strategy examples of SMS to drive engagement in this article.

4. Drive more traffic to other marketing channels

Since your SMS marketing effort will be automated, you can create multiple campaigns to achieve several marketing or company objectives. Marketing automation platforms can consistently send messages to your contact list and urge the recipients to take further action. You can do that by including a link to the respective pages, thereby increasing traffic to your other channels.

5. Test and analyze for better results

Most SMS marketing automation tools provide ideal recommendations for marketers, which helps prepare better SMS marketing campaigns for the future. Not just that, the platforms give ample opportunities to test the message content, delivery, audience, and other factors to generate better campaign results. You can A/B test the campaigns and track the KPIs to invest in a more effective SMS marketing campaign.

How to get started with SMS marketing automation?

Now that you are well-acquainted with SMS marketing automation and how it benefits your organization, you must be thinking about how you can get started with automated SMS marketing. First, purchase an SMS marketing automation platform. We highly recommend you conduct extensive research, run through the demos, check the online reviews, and see which platforms your competitors are using. Only then finalize your SMS marketing solution. Moreover, you want a tool that provides easy integration. After all, you don’t want to change your existing setup just to add a new solution, do you?

Final thoughts!

You only have so much time in a day. As a business owner and marketer, it is overwhelmingly challenging to take charge of every campaign-related task yourself. So, why not let automation do it for you? Automated SMS marketing can be extremely effective if you approach it strategically while putting customers at the core of your marketing campaigns. After all, you want automation tools to send valuable, relevant, and personalized text messages to subscribers.

There you have it. We have shared the reasons why you need to invest in SMS marketing automation. What’s your opinion regarding bringing automation into the marketing game? Let us know in the comments. Also, don’t forget to check out more informative marketing posts on the blog!


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